La Bella Baskets Values

The Sixth Values La Bella Baskets Exemplifies
When you start in this business it is so important to maintain and work within your values to help get the most out of your experience.  The growth and success of our business runs parallel with the right motivation.  La Bella  Baskets strives to guide women toward a fuller, richer life.

Do Unto Others As You Would Have Them Do Unto You"
As a girl, my mother lead with this example and it's been with me ever since.  It is a simple truth.  A value like this changes the world one person at a time.

Treat Everyone With Respect
It starts with respect and honor.  When you care to take the time to help people, it evokes a spirit of hard work and accomplishment for a cause.  Be all about, what's in it for THEM!.  Cheer for everyone's success!

Strength in Empathy
Put yourself in someone else's shoes ---  how do they fit?  If you seek to understand where someone is coming from, you are far better equipped to help them with their break through.  It's not about you, it's about helping people.

Everyone is Important and Needs to hear it
Everyone is unique and special.  Look for good qualities in everybody.  Let your customer know how much you value them.  Who doesn't love appreciated?

Our Fifth Value
Enthusiasm is Electric
Nothing is more contagious than enthusiasm!  How are you?  I'm GREAT!  I'm AMAZING! I'm THANKFUL!  Smile and be excited!  If you don't "feel like it"...  do it anyway.   People like to hear people that have  enthusiasm.

Our Sixth Value
Do The Right Thing
Doing the right thing goes beyond what the law requires.  It's a matter of doing what you know is right.  When you are unsure about what is right and what is wrong.  Listen to your inner voice, even when no one is looking.