Offline Advertising

Below are some great offline advertising.  Remember,  think out of the box and really get excited about it. The potential to earn a nice income is unlimited. So take charge of your destiny, take control of your life, schedule out your working hours and you will be nicely rewarded; you will be own boss, be at home when the children get out of school, vacation when you want, have financial independence, have a support group and a secure financial future... this is just the beginning.    All advertising methods do work.  All you need to do is be consistent and always do at least 5 advertising methods.

Marketing with Flyers
Bulletin Boards
Print Media Advertising
Other ways to get your message  in Print
Throw a party (optional)
Business Trade Shows
115 Cute Ways to Grow your Business
Importance of Service
Sample Ads
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Marketing with Flyers
We have all gone to the supermarket before and come out to find a flyer under the windshield wiper.  Flyers are an inexpensive way to get your message out and they can be as simple as something run off of a Xerox machine.

As long as you have a clear concise flyer that tells your prospect what is that you provide (beautiful gift basket, flowers or  a business opportunity) and that has your business name and phone number you are ready to begin a flyer campaign.  You may want to show your customers that you are local and independent (Give the ol’ community spirit ).

The idea of a flyer campaign is to get wide spread distribution of information inexpensively. A flyer campaign takes time time not money.  So with that in mind maximize the use of your time by distributing flyers where your customers  are most like to be and that is everywhere!   

Bulletin boards. There are hundreds of bulletin boards in your town.  The library, the Laundromat, coffee shops, city hall, and waiting rooms of all sort frequently have bulletin boards – hang your flyer in these places.

Give your flyer to your existing clients – ask them to pass them around.

Hire kids to hand them out at trades supplier’s parking lots or at coffee shops.

There are several keys to flyers success.  Patience; flyer campaigns can take a long time to pay off – months. But, stay with it even after you start to get clients.  Flyer campaigns don’t cost much so who cares how long they take.  Also a flyer campaign is a good companion to other types of marketing efforts. Widespread distribution into a vertical channel; pick a particular market and see the widest possible distribution to that market.  if you decide to chase a broad spectrum of client types concentrate on a particular area and distribute the flyers at as   many different locations as possible in that area – the more times and the more  places a prospect sees your name the better.  The last key is to refresh!  Don’t just leave your flyers out there and forget about them.  Flyers (particularly counter top distribution flyers).  Tend to get thrown away, buried, moved aside, or taken by your prospects.  Get out there every two weeks and refresh the stock.  Refreshing the stock also gives you a chance to get to know the counter clerk at your flyer distribution point.  flyer samples


We receive many questions about advertising in the newspaper.  While  newspaper advertising can work, it does require repetition, patience, and money.

We recommend using other marketing methods first before trying the newspapers. And when you do the newspapers use the classifieds.

This ad copy has been used  successfully:

Gift baskets are the perfect gift.
  Free gift for new customers  Call today for details ___________ or visit:
  (note:  our free gift is our free prescription card that they can use or give to a family member)
or a free pet card. 
Consider using small local papers or small weeklies these are the least expensive and in some way works better than the larger paper because they are so locally oriented.


Other ways to get your message  in Print.
1. Get listed in your local phone book

2.Contact small business owners posting a flyer in their store window or setting-up a small display in their store.

3.Distribute flyers and cards to apartment complex manager’s offices, as new tenants are already going through a “phrase of changing.”  

4.Print your own business cards to hand out. 

5.Post flyers on grocery store message boards, church message boards, public Laundromats, doctors’ office, etc.

6.Bring flyers/brochures, etc. toy our next company summer picnic, family/class reunion, etc.

7.Put a car magnet on your car.   free car magnets

8.Buy a rubber stamp make up with your website URL and contact info.  Affix your stamp on everything you send, mail do, etc.  Order your free rubber stamp.

Here are other ways you can market your business:

   * Carry a handful of flyers and business cards to hand to people in elevators, hallways and even on the street

   * When you meet someone with the potential to become a good customer, send them a flyer and several business cards.

   * Rewarding customer referrals with a small gift can be a smart investment--one that builds client relations and encourages future referrals.

   * Periodically schedule a day to visit  industrial parks or office buildings. Take flyers, your business cards and any pertinent seasonal information, and visit as many businesses as you can.

   * Be sure gift basket recipients know how to reach you when they need to send a gift by including your company name, website address www.myLaBellaBasekts/xxxxx.html  and telephone number on all your marketing materials.

   * Help your customers find reasons to send gift baskets by promoting lesser-known holidays. Just about every occupation has a "day" to honor it.

   * Direct-mail advertising is an excellent tool for gift basket businesses. One business owner sends a postcard to her entire database at the beginning of every month. If there's a holiday during that month, the card focuses on gift ideas for that holiday. If it's a no-holiday month, the card might focus on birthdays or an area of her business that's been slow.


Throw a party!  (optional)
Open house-style parties are a great way to introduce Career  Step’s training course to family, friends, and neighbors.  The following 9 simple steps can help you organize and throw a successful  home party, where you can gain new referrals.

1. Hold open house parties ( A format that allows participants to arrive and leave at will).

2.Have others “host” your party (Offer a gift)

3.Invite people to your party by phone, e-mail, or delivered invitation.

4.Offer door prizes (Bring friends for extra chances to win) – Make simple entry forms to get basic contact info (Name, address, email, phone, etc.) from every guest that attends, so you can personally enter them as contacts on your website.

5.Serve light refreshments.


Business Trade Shows
Real estate managers, temporary employment specialists, cruise directors - they and many more prospects attend business trade shows to meet other professionals and find new and upgraded tools to perform their jobs efficiently.  Not relegated to just the chamber of commerce, any group can host a business trade show.  Large superstores play host as well as women's groups, libraries, and copy centers.  Whoever has a room to rent in turning the extra space into an asset.

If you are considering a display, request the names and phone numbers of past exhibitors for an idea of what to expect in terms of participation, building access, atmosphere, and the like.  Ask the hosts about display table size, draping, and whether competing gift basket companies will be attending.  A display table should hold seven to ten baskets, literature, and a drawing container for all to deposit their business cards.   (Note:  You can also bring picture album if you cannot purchase several baskets)  People get a good idea of our work.)

If you've decided to exhibit, it's up to you to entice the attendees to visit your table so that you can make the pitch to sell your baskets, remembering that any glowing review from exhibitors in previous shows is no guarantee that your experience will be as good.

Raffle always brings more visitors who stay longer at my tables.  That way, I can ask them about their basket preferences.  To make the presentation better, a black cloth is draped over different size boxes to vary the height of each basket on the table.

Also ask the host for a list of all attendees as a condition of participation.  The worst the host can do is to say no.  If you wait until the event is cover, there's no reason for the host to fulfill your request.