Blogging Marketing

Note:  If you are going to start blogging, PLEASE post it on the forum and ask people to read your blog and make comments.  We want to help you build your blog.

Blogging is important to your business for many reasons but here are three of the more important ones to help you understand why a blog will be a benefit to you.

The first reason is that the search engines love blogs. Blogs provide fresh content to meet the demands of information thirsty Internet searchers. Most blogs are updated at least one time per week (ideally) and even as often as every day. A good blog should be updated at least every three days to keep the search engines coming back. The blog that you write should have content relating to what your business has to offer and how it can benefit your target audience.

The second reason why blogging is important to your business is the fact that a good blog with updated, quality information and the right keywords (see keyword information below) , will drive a good deal of free (aka organic) traffic to your web site. When you provide a link to your main web site, a blog can drive traffic to it as well giving you double exposure.

The third reason is that a blog can be started for free or very low cost. Businesses are cutting expenses these days due to the fluctuations in the economy. Advertising costs are being slashed. There isn't a better way to advertise on the Internet then by building a blog that has great content and keywords and as a result, drives free traffic to it. A blog can become your company's best source of free advertising.

Finally, keep your blog updated regularly. Link it to your web site. Submit your URL to directories and other free services available on the "Net for even more free exposure. Make blogging a priority for your business and you'll reap the rewards.

There are many more reasons why blogging is important for your business but these three reasons alone should give a company or small business reason to get started with building a blog for free right away. There is no excuse not to get started now.