La Bella Baskets And Gifts
Giving Back to Single Moms

Since 2009, all purchases of gifts from La Bella Baskets contributes to our La Bella Baskets of Smiles Program. This is a special program that was created and launched by La Bella Baskets.  It delivers to single moms a beautiful spa gift basket with a beautiful poem especially for them.

Our mission at La Bella Baskets is all about empowering and uplifting women and our program is all about delivering smiles. We want single moms to know that we do care about them and we want them to feel beautiful, important and cared for.


We also understand the financial challenges they go through. And with La Bella Baskets online home business opportunity we are educating and empowering single moms to build residual income and financial stability from the comfort of their home. We give them the confidence and support they need to succeed.  


Our goal is to reach out and assist more single moms, but we need your help. If you know someone (a sister, brother, friend, aunt, daughter) who really wants to make an impact on a single mom's life, but isn't sure how, please froward them this email or have them contact me for more details.

If you would like to make a difference in their lives, please help us:
#1.  Nominate a single mom to receive a beautiful gift basket

#2.  Purchase wonderful gift Items through your La Bella Baskets consultant to show your support.  Or...

#3.  Share the La Bella Baskets Business Opportunity, please visit my website or contact me for details.
We can make a difference but it all starts with us today.   Thank you for your support.

Take your mouse, and place your cursor at the beginning of the template, then click and hold the left mouse button, while pulling your mouse over the entire template. This should highlight the entire template. Now release the left mouse button. Now, with the cursor over the highlighted template, right click the mouse for options, and select 'copy'. Now go to your email composing system, right click your mouse again, and select 'paste' and you will then see the template on your email section. Make sure to always proof read your email before sending it out,  edit your contact information, and you're ready!

Another easy way of copy/pasting a template is to click once on the template, then on your keyboard, push and hold "Ctrl" and "A" at the same time. (This will select everything.) Then, go to your email composing system, right click, select "Paste" and you'll see your template on your email section. As with the other way, you must make sure to edit your contact information and delete any unnecessary items that were copied. Always proofread your email before sending it out.